The same HAND MADE Signature Meringue we are famous for but mini size. You may choose colors or buy them plain ivory color. Packed in a clear cellopha..
An assortment of our best selling items: Plain Merengues, Plain Brownies, Mantecaditos, Panetela de Guayaba and Butter Cookies. 15 or 35pcs total. We ..
Our signature Low Calorie/Fat Free Merengues packed in a plastic Tub. Select from a 45 or 55 piece tub. From $5.75NUTRITIONAL INFORMATION: Serving Siz..
Our signature Mantecaditos with guava packed in a round plastic tub. Two sizes available: Small, about 50pcs and Medium, about 65 pcs plastic tub.NUTR..
Our signature fudge BROWNIES packed in a round plastic tub. Two sizes available: small, about 16pcs and medium, about 23 pcs plastic tub. From $7.75BR..
An assortment of our best selling items: Plain Merengues, Plain Brownies, Mantecaditos, Panetela de Guayaba and Butter Cookies. 15 or 35pcs total. We ..
Our signature Mantecaditos packed in a round plastic tub. Two sizes available: Small, about 50pcs and Medium, about 65 pcs plastic tub.NUTRITIONAL INF..